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Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals

Sacred Milestones

It is natural that we look to God at times of significant change in our lives. The rituals of the church at these times help us to stretch beyond ourselves for support and care as we add or lose people in our family.  

For arrangements please contact the Minister through the church office. Below we describe what is involved in church weddings and funerals, and in baptism. 


Baptisms are a way of marking our commitment as parents or guardians to raise our children in the community of God, as part of the life of the church. The promise of love and faithfulness comes first to the child from God, and then you as parents or guardians make your promise to bring up your child to know the Christian faith at home and as part of the church community. Additionally, at a baptism, our own church members are reminded of their own baptism and make a promise to welcome your child as part of the worldwide church of Jesus Christ.  

As part of the Church of Scotland, we believe in infant baptism, as well as the baptism of adults. If, after discussion with the Minister, you feel unable to make the vows honestly, a blessing of your child would be a way to give thanks for their arrival in the world and ask for God’s blessing in their life. 


Weddings add a joyful dimension to the life of St Machar’s Cathedral. Many might come initially for the beautiful setting of our church, but then discover the mystery of faith that echoes throughout the stone walls, the music and the words used during the marriage ceremony. It is a Christian ceremony that will be conducted, but an honest approach to the Minister about your own faith is helpful to connect where you are, to make your marriage ceremony hold integrity for you as a couple.  

An initial conversation with the Minister helps you to discover what significance your wedding ceremony will have for you, your families and friends. With a date selected and deposit paid, you can then explore the options for making your special day one to remember. 


Funerals are a significant ritual that takes place when a loved one has died. Anyone who lives within our parish boundaries is entitled to a parish funeral led by the parish minister, or other available minister. This means the communities of Old Aberdeen and Tillydrone can request the services of the Minister of St Machar’s to conduct the funeral of their family member in the church, the crematorium and/or graveside. 

Our funerals are responsive to your family’s requests, and are flexible around the appropriate choice of music, traditional or modern. A bible reading and reflection will be included, alongside prayers that are personalised to your loved one and family. You are invited to be involved in the stories shared, either in a eulogy prepared by the minister, or in one delivered by a family member or friend.  

Communication around planning a time for a funeral is best to be done through the undertaker, although members of the congregation can inform the Minister at any time.