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Organists of St Machar's

Syndey Townsend


Little is known of St Machars first post-Reformation organist, but he came to the Cathedral from St Marys Episcopal Church, Aberdeen and was selected for the post by Dr. Albert L. Peace of Glasgow Cathedral, who performed the second public recital on the new Willis organ and was given charge of the selection of organist candidates. 

George C. Dawson, Frco, L. Mus. TCL


George C. Dawson (b. 1860s), was a native of Durham, where, from an early age, he was articled for six years to the celebrated Dr Armes at the Cathedral. On completion of his studies, in the early 1880s, he was appointed Organist to St. Andrews Church in Aberdeen, and assistant music master at the Girls High School. Two years later he went to Holborn Parish Church, and acquired his FRCO in 1888. In 1893 he was appointed Choirmaster and Organist to St Machars Cathedral, and the following year was appointed the principal music master at the Girls High School. As an organist of stirling ability, his organ playing was described as refined and scholarly and his many recitals were musical treats of the highest order. He was a successful teacher, and, being of a genial disposition, was esteemed by a host of friends. (Quotations from the obituary published in the Aberdeen Daily Journal, 9.11.1916) 

Arthur Pirie


Arthur Pirie was best remembered as music teacher during the 1940s and 1950s at the nearby Powis School, later Powis Academy and now St Machar Academy. He was at the start of his musical career when he succeeded George C. Dawson at the organ during the difficult days of the first World War. 

Marshall Gilchirst, L.R.A.M, A.R.C.M.


Marshall Gilchrist arrived from Biggar, Lanarkshire, immediately establishing himself as an outstanding and prolific recitalist. The organ was by this time failing rapidly and Marshall Gilchrist oversaw its rebuilding and relocation to its present position as part of the Cathedrals restoration in 1928. It thereby became the premier recital instrument in the North East of Scotland and was frequently heard on the air. As greatly loved as George Dawson had been, Marshall Gilchrist finally retired to Biggar but remained active in organist circles, being President of Edinburgh Society of Organists in 19411942. 

John B. Dalby, MusB London, FRCO(Chm)


Such was the fame of St Machars and its organ from radio broadcasting that on Marshall Gilchrists departure John Dalby, a native of Shipley, Yorkshire, was attracted from his position at the great Schultze organ of St Bartholomews, Armley, Leeds, to travel north and take up the post as the Cathedrals fifth organist. He kept the organ on the air until the outbreak of the second World War, returning to St Machars at the end of hostilities. An outstanding musical educationalist, he left in 1954 to become Organiser of Music for Aberdeen schools, in which capacity he was one of the most prominent and respected musical figures in the North East of Scotland. On his retirement he returned to Silverdale, Lancashire but kept up contact with St Machars via his colleague and successor David Murray. He returned to the Cathedral for the last time in 1973 to give the opening recital on the organ after its reconstruction by Mander. After his time at St Machars he received OBE from the Palace and DMus from Aberdeen 

David Murray


A native of Blairgowrie, David served his musical ‘apprenticeship’ during the 1920s as organist of churches there and in such comparatively humble occupations as piano accompanist for silent films in a Dundee cinema. He moved to north-east Scotland during the late 1940s, taking up a school teaching post in Turriff and becoming organist of St Ninian’s Church there. In 1952 he came to Aberdeen as organist of the South Church (now St Mark’s) on Rosemount Viaduct, and in 1954 was appointed to St Machar’s as successor to John B. Dalby. 

At that time David Murray was teacher of music at Aberdeen Grammar School, but in 1959 he took up the post of head music teacher at St Margaret’s School for Girls where he was held in great affection and spent many happy years until his retirement in 1974. He had a long association with the music at Haddo House, principally as continuo player and before that as trainer of the local section of Haddo House Choral Society during his Turriff days. During the 1960s he was conductor of Aberdeen Bach Choir and served on the Music Committee for the third edition (1973) of the Church Hymnary to which he contributed some harmonisations. He was also responsible for the commissioning of contributions from Kenneth Leighton and other composers working in Scotland.  

At St Machar’s he tirelessly built on John Dalby’s work, furthering choral and organ music and developing a choir which was among the foremost in Scotland, with a repertoire of music not generally heard outwith the cathedrals and major parish churches south of the border. He travelled extensively on the Continent, making the acquaintance of such renowned organists as Flor Peeters and André Marchal who were among many recitalists of international standing that he presented at St Machar’s, with expenses often defrayed from his own pocket. His own recital work was almost exclusively at St Machar’s, with an interesting and adventurous choice of repertoire, much of which was contemporary—at the International Association of Organists’ 1965 Conference he gave the first performance in Scotland of the Passacaglia by the Swiss composer Frank Martin. 

Though best known as an organist and choirmaster David also took a deep and active interest in the study of organ building and of the history and construction of other keyboard instruments, particularly the clavichord. His musical refinement was paralleled by great talent as a craftsman in wood and other materials. Whereas many clavichords and harpsichords are now constructed from kits he made three clavichords in their entirety, a matter of justifiable pride. He also derived great satisfaction from being called upon to tune and maintain the harpsichords and other instruments in the extensive collection belonging to Aberdeen University, He was some demand as advisor on the provision, restoration and rebuilding of organs, and many other churches benefited from his knowledge. 

His musical craft extended to composition, writing a large number of pieces for the young singers at St Margaret’s, while for St Machar’s he wrote descants, carols and other choral settings which still remain in the repertoire. 

David’s lasting contribution to the music at St Machar’s may also be seen and heard in the highly successful rebuilding in 1973 of the Cathedral’s superb Willis organ. His choice of organ builder to carry out this work was the London firm of Noel P Mander, which was not well known in Scotland but was noted for its sympathetic treatment of Willis work. 

One of Aberdeen’s best loved and most respected musicians and teachers, David Murray died on 23 December 2003 at the age of 91. 

James G. Lobban MA


James Lobban devoted his entire life to the development of music in his native Aberdeen. A tall ascetic figure who occupied a conductor’s podium so often that few concerts seemed complete without him, he boundlessly enthused about his subject, persuading choirs and orchestras to strive that bit more in the furtherance of musical excellence. Latterly virtually every concert he conducted posted a ‘house full’ notice. 

Teacher, performer, examiner, conductor of the Bach Choir for 37 years and director music at the city’s St Machar’s Cathedral for a quarter of a century, Lobban’s musical direction shone early. He made plain that music was to be his career, somewhat to the initial surprise of his parents, Aberdeen couple George Lobban and Christine Calder. But he prospered at Aberdeen Grammar School, played the organ at 17 in Handel’s Messiah, and in 1964 graduated from Aberdeen University in music. 

Already noted as a pianist, organist, accompanist and bass singer, he formed working partnerships well. An organ master class with Dr Francis Jackson at St Machar’s led to an introduction in 1963 to Graham Wiseman, then president of Aberdeen & District Organists Association. Two years later, he was Wiseman’s assistant in music at Inverurie Academy, and within six months, both took the school choir to the Edinburgh Festival. The following year he gave his first organ recital at St Machar’s, and then followed two tours as accompanist to the tenor Wilfred Brown. 

First contact with the Bach Choir came at Christmas 1965, and within three months Lobban performed the solos in a recital of works by Monteverdi, Buxtehude and Howells, with his teaching boss Graham Wiseman conducting. It was a performance in which not for the first time Lobban showed his ear for perfect pitch, and he proved a natural candidate to take over the conductorship in 1969 at just 26. 

Head teacher of music at Hazlehead Academy for three decades and producer of many pupil productions, James took the same diligence to examining as he took to teaching, and in 1987 had become principal examiner in music for the Scottish Examination Board. 

James Lobban died on 10 November 2006 at the age of 64. His legacy to his native city is a tradition of commissioning new works by contemporary composers, and the establishment with the Bach Choir of a music scholarship as to assist talented young musicians from north-east Scotland with tuition fees. His legacy to the Cathedral created a fund to support and maintain the Cathedral’s traditions in music.

Michael Thomson B. Mus.


Born in Aberdeen in 1949, Michael Thomson was associated with music at St Machar’s for many years. He commenced education at Aberdeen Grammar School while David Murray was a member of the music staff, progressing later to formal music studies under Donald Hawksworth and James Hunter with organ tuition from Richard Galloway and Frederic Fea. Under the mentorship of David Murray he became a choir member, playing his first services at St Machar’s while still in his teens. 

From 1967 to 1970 he studied music at Edinburgh University under David Kimbell, Sidney Newman, Kenneth Leighton, Leon Coates, Colin Kingsley and Peter Williams, with organ studies continuing under Dr Dennis Townhill at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral. Graduating as Bachelor of Music with specialisation in the music of the Baroque era, he spent a year in Manchester, returning to Aberdeen and to St Machar’s where he performed deputy and other work until David Murray’s retirement in late 1981. On James Lobban’s appointment to the post of Organist he became the Cathedral’s first appointed Assistant Organist. Following James Lobban’s illness, he was appointed Acting Organist then in April 2007 Director of Music, with overall responsibility for all aspects of the Cathedral’s musical life. 

Active in various areas of music in the course of his career, Michael Thomson gave organ recitals in Scotland and in France. In addition to his usual weekly commitments he was responsible for the introduction and planning of the Cathedral’s first annual Festivals of Sacred Music. Michael died in 2016. 

Dr Roger B. Williams, M.B.E., D.Mus.(Aberdeen), Ph.D (Cantab.), B.Mus.(Wales) FRCO, FTCL, ARCM.

Music Director and Organist 2015–2024

Born in Swansea, Roger Williams graduated BMus with honours from University College Cardiff before gaining a PhD at King’s College Cambridge for research on the early works of Schoenberg. 

He spent eight years in London as a free-lance conductor, singer, organist, harpsichordist and composer.  He held various church appointments whilst also running a small opera company, singing with the BBC Singers and performing at major London concert venues. In 1978 he took up the post of Lecturer in the Music Department at Aberdeen University, being later appointed Senior Lecturer and Head of Department.  

During the 1980s he conducted the Aberdeen section of the Edinburgh Festival Chorus and was for five years Chorus Master to the Scottish National Orchestra (now RSNO), working with many of today’s greatest conductors. He had an active recording career, and gave recitals at King’s College Cambridge, Durham and Guildford cathedrals, New Orleans, Clermont Ferrand and Entrevaux in France, St. Stephan’s Cathedral, Vienna, the Priory Church of Bolton Abbey. Yorkshire, and at Union Chapel, Islington. 

Until his retirement in 2010, Roger Williams was Master of Chapel and Ceremonial Music and Organist at Aberdeen University, sharing his time with teaching in the Music Department and the following year was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the University of Aberdeen. 

He continued to teach and work in Aberdeen, where he enjoyed a long association with the Haddo House Choral & Operatic Society. For 15 years he organized the highly successful Lunchbreak series of 35 concerts for the City of Aberdeen. As Music Advisor to the National Trust for Scotland he conducted research into the holdings of musical instruments and music collections in their properties, developing a catalogue which is now available online. He was made MBE in the Honours list of 2009. 

He retired from the post of Director of Music in St Machar’s in March 2024.