Get Involved
Churches depend on volunteers and St Machar’s is no exception. While we know that some people are happy just to come to services , many of us develop a sense of belonging by doing things: and the list of things one can do in St Machar’s will fit every ability, and every age.
Would you like to join the choir? Speak to the organist (who is also Director of Music) after a service or send a message to
You may wish to apply to be a choral scholar, a group of young singers who are supported by the legacy left by a former organist and choir-master, James Lobban. Again, speak to the Director of Music after a service or email
Would you like to ring a bell? The bell-ringers practise on Mondays, and ring on Sundays. Contact the Tower Secretary, Ruth Ogilvie, at
See below for lots of other ways you can get involved. If you are interested in finding out more, contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more information at