

Wheelchair Accessible

Family History

Researching your Family History? 

We may be able to help by searching our archives for an ancestor with links to St Machar’s Cathedral. 

The Cathedral welcomes enquiries from those researching their family history. People get in touch with us from all over the world, trying to find a record of their forebears in Aberdeen – either at the Cathedral Kirkyard, or in the many historical minutes and records we hold in the Cathedral’s Charter Room 

The Archivist will be only too happy to help you with your search. You can contact them via the Cathedral Office at office@stmachar.com.

Complete records of all who are buried in the Kirkyard are available and we also have records of infant Baptisms and Proclamation of Banns as well as Minute Books and church records dating back through the centuries in which family names can appear. 

Baptismal Records

Access to the Records on line and research by the Archivist is free of charge but enquirers may wish to contribute to the upkeep of the Cathedral and maintenance of the records using the DONATE link below. 

Support Our Mission

In this country most churches and the church buildings are kept going by the giving of their members. Historic churches such as St Machars also benefit much from the generosity of visitors. When you visit St Machars please give something, out of gratitude for what you have seen. In the Cathedral there is a large donation chest and there are three card readers. You can also donate on this site.