

Wheelchair Accessible


We welcome enquiries related to the significant milestones of human life. 

The Minister the Rev. Sarah Brown will normally wish to see you before any details are finalised. Please contact her through the Cathedral office (01224 485988; office@stmachar.com).  

The secretary will check first on dates and for baptisms and weddings will arrange a meeting with the minister. She will send you appropriate information, and forms in the case of weddings.  

In the case of a parish funeral, it is normally the undertaker who makes the first approach to the Cathedral on your behalf. 

There is no charge for conducting baptisms and funerals, but there is a charge for weddings in the Cathedral. 

We are normally pleased to accept bookings for concerts and recitals. Please contact the Cathedral office (01224 485988; office@stmachar.com). 

The secretary will check dates, and seek the approval of the Minister. (All events in the Cathedral have to be approved by the Minister.) She will then send out forms. There are charges for the use of the Cathedral for musical events, and a deposit is required. No booking is finalised until the stated deposit has been paid. 

As the Cathedral does not have a Theatre License we cannot accept bookings for theatrical performances. 

The Cathedral Hall in Dunbar Street has two rooms, a bigger hall which can be booked for community activities such as country dancing, and the smaller (known as the Leslie Room) for meetings etc. There is a good kitchen. It is often booked for private functions such as birthday parties. 

Please contact the Cathedral office (01224 485988; office@stmachar.com), and the secretary will first check on dates, and then send out forms. There is a fixed scale of charges for the use the rooms in the Hall. 

Tell us what you wish to book

Support Our Mission


In this country most churches and the church buildings are kept going by the giving of their members. Historic churches such as St Machars also benefit much from the generosity of visitors. When you visit St Machars please give something, out of gratitude for what you have seen. In the Cathedral there is a large donation chest and there are three card readers. You can also donate on this site.