

Wheelchair Accessible

Primary Schools and Groups

Engaging Educational Experiences

visit options

We welcome school classes, scouts and guiding groups, home-schoolers and after-school clubs to the Cathedral.  

Let the Education team lead you on a learning experience with a themed workshop.  This includes a tour around the Cathedral, a themed quiz and an art activity. Explore our stimulating interactive screen for hands on discovery for all ages.   

Browse our current workshops. Alternatively, sessions can be designed to fit your learning needs and curriculum requirements and adapted for all ages.  

Please enquire education@stmachar.com 


Stories From the Cathedral

Take an interactive tour around the building with props and costumes and discover the Legend of St Machar, the Builder Bishops, General Monck, Victorian Artists and local connections with Robert the Bruce. This includes making a shield from clay or wood and a quiz. 

Session Length: 1½ hours 

Age range:  nursery, primary and secondary groups 

Signs and Symbols

Discover Christian signs and symbols that are used in worship and on display in the artwork and stained-glass windows of this ancient building. This includes a tour, trail and a stained-glass window craft. Use recycled and reused materials to make a window ornament to take home. 

Session Length: 1½ hours 

Age range: nursery, primary and secondary groups 

Biodiversity Trail

Explore the kirkyard with our biodiversity trail, learn about the importance of pollinators to our ecosystem through activities such as making seed balls and bee homes. Please note that careful supervision is needed with uneven ground and old gravestones.  

Session length: one hour 

Age range: nursery, primary 

Support Our Mission


In this country most churches and the church buildings are kept going by the giving of their members. Historic churches such as St Machars also benefit much from the generosity of visitors. When you visit St Machars please give something, out of gratitude for what you have seen. In the Cathedral there is a large donation chest and there are three card readers. You can also donate on this site.