

Wheelchair Accessible

Joining the Church

Embracing the Rite of Passage through Confirmation

Saying ‘Yes!’ to God in a formal way is to undergo the rite of passage known as confirmation.  

This may be confirming the vows of baptism that were made in infancy or childhood by a parent or guardian but equally you may be making them for the first time as an adult. 

There are regular opportunities to join the church, and some time will be spent exploring your own journey towards making a promise to God in recognition of Gods promise of faithfulness to you. New members classes explore how your faith and life are expressed and maintained; governance of the church; and the things our denomination believes to be true as an expression of our understanding of the Bible.

Additionally we reflect on ways you can share your resources in giving to the church through time, talents and money – which we expect to change throughout your lifetime, each one being a valid offering to God. Timings and the level of commitment varies from person to person, reflecting the diversity of the earliest followers of Christ. 

There are other ways of joining St Machar’s: you may transfer from another congregation in the Church of Scotland (traditionally called ‘presenting your lines’); if you are already a member of any other branch of the Christian church you will be welcome here, but please speak to the Minister or Session Clerk, and they will ask the Kirk Session to admit you. 

If you are interested in joining the church, please speak to the Minister, or make an enquiry to the Cathedral office (email: office@stmachar.com; Tel: 01224 485988).

Support Our Mission

In this country most churches and the church buildings are kept going by the giving of their members. Historic churches such as St Machars also benefit much from the generosity of visitors. When you visit St Machars please give something, out of gratitude for what you have seen. In the Cathedral there is a large donation chest and there are three card readers. You can also donate on this site.